Though industrial symbiosis is not something new it is not widely used in Russia. At the same time, industrial symbiotic chains allow to cut the expenses, realize or process wastes, develop Corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects.
How it works? Industrial symbiosis uses the same principles as in nature – when creatures interact with mutual profit. Industrial and natural logics combine in industrial symbiosis and provide profit for all the participants. In fact one production waste become a resource for another production.
In Europe symbiotic chains have been existed for more than fifty years. A case study is a chain of companies in Kalundborg, Denmark. More than 10 companies implemented a chain that allows to get an essential economical result (total costs reduction per 24 million euros) and environmental impact (CO2 was cut by 635 thousand tons).
The Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project under the aegis of the EU unites organizations from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland and Russia that joined the Project in this autumn.
Today’s breakfast guest – Aleksandr Belykh, project manager of the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project told us about it. The main issue is to develop industrial symbiosis practices in the Baltic Sea Region as a sustainable development pattern.
Right now, colleagues from Tyreman Group are looking for companies interested in industrial symbiosis. Companies can run into a free screening and to enter the program in order to become a member of a symbiotic chain. During the first half of 2020 the Living Lab project should start and that will allow participants to test their ideas of sustainable development in practice.
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