The second session of the Baltic Sea Region Industrial Symbiosis Council took place on May 22nd, 2020. Tyreman Group participated in the online session of Council within the Baltic Industrial Symbiosi
The second session of the Baltic Sea Region Industrial Symbiosis Council took place on May 22nd, 2020. Tyreman Group participated in the online session of Council within the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project.
Industrial Symbiosis Council is a platform for best practices studies and growth points creation for municipal, regional and national authorities, agencies and other facilities supporting a development of industrial symbiosis. The aim of Industrial Symbiosis Council sessions is to collect knowledges and to promote ideas about possibilities and constraints of industrial symbiosis for contribution of industrial symbiotic chains development in the Baltic Sea region.
The subject of the second session of the Council is an advantage that industrial small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can get participating in industrial symbiosis. Within the session there were announced results of the research conducted by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, IVL - Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Policy in Practice agency among 20 SMEs of the Baltic Sea region including Russia who shared their resources with other companies. The research task was to determine how companies look at the possibilities and constraints of participation in industrial symbiosis. Researches combined the most popular reasons for participation in industrial symbiosis into three groups – economical, environmental and social. 18 respondents underlined an importance of social reasons, among them are the development of collaboration and a climate of trust, experience exchange, public acquaintance etc. 3 respondents summarized that environmental/technological factors allow them to contribute to symbiosis (in terms of an access for secondary resources for their own production). 7 respondents stated that economical factors make a participation in industrial symbiosis favorable for them.
Webinar participants further discussed a biogas production implementation in different countries of the Baltic Sea region. By small groups participants from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia shared their opinions on the development of existing technologies and limitations.
By general consent participants concluded that biogas is an important source for the sustainable development of agriculture sector.
For the third session of the Council a topic would be a role of municipalities in industrial symbiosis within the Project’s. consortium.
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