On March 23, 2021 the Russian part of the industrial symbiosis roadshow was held as part of the Baltic Sea Day 2021

During two days, March 23-24, 2021, within the framework of the XXI International Environmental Forum "Baltic Sea Day" at the Expoforum Exhibition and Convention Center events were held. Representatives of authorities at various levels, scientists, experts and representatives of foreign countries discussed topical current issues of updating the Baltic Sea Action Plan and revising its goals until 2030, as well as project activities in the Baltic region, including the programs of cross-border cooperation and the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Program.

With the support of the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project, a round table “The Baltic Industrial Symbiosis Project for the implementation of the SDGs in the Baltic Sea Region” was held, where partners and project participants spoke about promoting the formation of industrial waste-resource chains in the Baltic Sea countries.

You can watch the translation of the event here: 

At the event, representatives from Denmark, Norway and Russia shared their knowledge, ideas, experiences and achievements in the field of industrial symbiosis.

Daria Akhutina, Senior Advisor, Head of Priority Area: Sustainable and Prosperous Region Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) named the concept of industrial symbiosis as one of the promising directions for achieving SDGs in the Baltic region.

Susanne Boesen, Project manager of BIS project and Nadejda Ulstrup-Hansen from Kalundborg Symbiosis talked about the 50-year history of industrial symbiotic in Kalundborg. Today, more than 10 companies are taking part in this process. Enterprises exchange excess hot steam, gas, gypsum, etc.

Nikolai Pitirimov from St. Petersburg house property owners association representing St. Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban Environment spoke about the emerging project of creating an ecosystem of industrial symbiosis in Russia through the development of industrial symbiosis centers. This idea was included in the TOP-100 of ideas of the strategic pool of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). 

Evdokia Lomagina from Tyreman Group spoke about the company's participation in the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project and the developing Living Lab in the Leningrad Region.

Participants visited the first experimental shrimp farm in Russia, the production of recycled plastic benches and the Living Lab, which implements the ideas of upcycling and industrial symbiosis.

2021-03-24 15:55