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Polytech (Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University) masters studied international recycling solutions

On November 8th and 15th study sessions took place in Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University dedicated to the “Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” project. The event was arranged by “Setevyie issledovaniya” (Network researches) company on the initiative of Tyreman Group – member of Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment with the support of “SPG” group of companies and Russia Designers Association.

Members of master’s programme “Digital economy and business analysis” of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University studied cases of Russian partners of the “Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” project of The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 and proposed their ideas on recycling for further analysis.

First team studied issues of recycling and processing of cars and trucks tires. Nowadays only one fifth of produced tires goes for processing after use in the world, in Russia – only 10%. This fact gives an essence perspective for processing companies. The most popular methods of tires recycling are electromechanical and pyrolysis. Secondary products are being used in tire production, construction, sports ground construction and other industries.

The second case was about recycling wastes being a result of slaughtering. While disposing by-products instead of recycling large amounts of useful elements have been wasted that leads to material losses and increases production costs. In Russia, the largest agricultural holdings recycle slaughtering by-products, but they use only 30% of those products.

Participants of the study analyzed blood and hair coat recycling technologies. A perspective development plan of meat processing companies could include processing of blood for food, medical, biotech, industrial and feed industries.

The third team studied industrial symbiosis cases. Masters studied international companies’ experience – German Lieb Bau Weiz GMbH & Co KG, Chinese Guitan Group, Finnish UPM Kymi. Development of the symbiotic chains between their own companies and their partners allows these companies to:
-      Cut the amount of raw materials used,
-      Cut an environmental impact,
-      Increase energy efficiency,
-      Increase variety of the products and its volume.

The results of the study would be used by the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project partners.

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