On September 11, 2021 we took part in the action "Clean Shore" with the project Baltic industrial symbiosis. We talked about SDG number 12 - Responsible consumption and production, and also conducted
On September 11, 2021, a youth environmental and educational action "Clean Coast" was held on the beach in Tarkhovka. The action gathered all those who are not indifferent to the state of the environment and are interested in an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
The goal of the environmental action is the environmental protection cooperation development, the formation of environmental responsibility of young people and support for the environmental volunteer movement.
The event was organized by the Committee on Environmental Management, Environmental Protection and Environmental Safety of the Government of St. Petersburg. The functions of the operator of the action "Clean Shore" are performed by the State Unitary Enterprise SC Mineral.
Для участников акции был организован просветительский квест, состоящий из 17 станций, каждая из которых посвящена одной из целей устойчивого развития.