Results of the second day of Peer-to-peer learning on industrial symbiosis from the Living Laboratory in St. Petersburg

For two days, Tyreman Group - the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis (BIS) project team from St. Petersburg in a hybrid format conducted city tour, tours to the BIS project participating enterprises and to the Living Lab in St.Petersburg, shared experience and discussed with project partners possible ways to develop the project and the concept of industrial symbiosis. We also didn't forget about social events.

The learning took place in a hybrid format - a studio was organized in the Living Lab for Industrial Symbiosis development in St. Petersburg, where communication with participants took place live, and at the same time a broadcast to the ZOOM platform was organized. Online participants had the opportunity during the Live Discussion to communicate with guests in the studio.
The recording of the broadcast can be viewed at the link - Second day of Industrial Symbiosis peer-to-peer learning Hybrid event in the LivingLab, StP, Russia

The second day of April 23, we started in the studio in the Living Lab, discussed the plan for the day and went on a tour to one of the customers of TYREMAN GROUP - Avtokolonna 2015 in Novokuznetsk, Kuzbass. We talked about the company's main business, the work specifics, listened to the client's feedback about working with us.
After the tour, we returned to the studio to greet our guests - Anton Surushkin, commercial director and Ekaterina Surushkina, development director of the Tosnensky Mixed Feed Factory (TKKZ) and online guest Anastasia Sergeeva, creative projects manager in Bushe. 

Guests in the Living Lab - Anton and Ekaterina, TKKZ

We went on the next tour to the Bushe coffee chain. Anastasia told us how the Manifesto of New Sincerity changed the philosophy of Bushe's employees, what eco-initiatives were in the company before the pandemic and how COVID-19 influenced them, about Bushe's active participation in the city life, in events and the BIS project. Anastasia honestly spoke about the successes and difficulties associated with sustainable development, the need to educate employees, the right motivation.

After Bushe, we went on an excursion to the Tosnensky Mixed Feed Factory. Anton and Ekaterina told us about the process and peculiarities of feed production. Anton emphasized the importance of responsible attitude to the resources quality and production technology, as well as the plant's interest in the secondary resources use in the feed production and sustainable development.

As part of a Live discussion, Anastasia and Catherine noted that they see prospects in industrial symbiosis for the economy development and their companies, and also shared the news that they are testing the symbiotic chain between Bushe and TKKZ. Bushe transferred to TKKZ organic waste generated during the main production and feeding of employees. And the laboratory and TKKZ technologists have already conducted a study, according to the results of which positive results were obtained on the potential use of these organic waste in the feed production. Bushe is now preparing larger batches of secondary resources for additional research. The project participants discussed the importance of assessing the effect of such chains not only from the economy point of view, but also intangible indicators such as increasing customer loyalty, etc.

Discussion - Studio, Anastasia, Bushe and Lisbeth Randers, The Kalundborg Symbiosis

After the coffee break, the Russian partners of the Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project joined us in the studio - Natalya Bobyleva, State Unitary Enterprise Mineral and Nikolai Pitirimov, Clean Tech Cluster for Urban Environment of St. Petersburg.

Guests in the studio - Natalia, SC "Mineral" and Nikolai, CleanTech Cluster

Natalia shared with the event participants her assessment of the BIS project Roadshow organized by her in March, which was held as part of the International Environmental Forum "Baltic Sea Day" on March 23, 2021. Natalia advised her colleagues to conduct a roadshow in partnership with other events on ecology and sustainable development, she noted the synergistic effect of such a partnership and the possibility of wider coverage of the event. Also, as part of the Russian roadshow, an excursion to the Living Lab for Industrial Symbiosis was organized, which Natalya noted as an extremely successful solution. Natalya offered to participate in one of the largest public environmental and educational actions in St. Petersburg, "Clean Coast," in which environmental quests and educational stations are organized together with the cleaning of coastal areas. Natalia proposed to devote one of the stations to industrial symbiosis. 

Excursion to the Living Lab for Industrial Symbiosis, March 23, 2021

Nikolai, in turn, shared with the event participants the idea of ​creating an ecosystem of industrial symbiosis in Russia through the development of industrial symbiosis centers, which the St. Petersburg CleanTech Cluster for Urban Environment develops together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives of Russia in the interests of the EcoNet market of the National Technology Initiative. He spoke about the regions that showed interest in the concept, plans to create a methodology for the introduction of industrial symbiosis, which will take into account the experience of the BIS project and the Living Lab. As part of a Live discussion, colleagues discussed the scale of plans and prospects for implementing the idea.

The last excursion was a visit to the Living Lab for Industrial Symbiosis in St. Petersburg. Evdokia Lomagina spoke about the idea of​ its creation, the tests that are held in it, tours and educational activities and work on building symbiotic chains. Evdokia noted several resource flows for which the most active research is underway: used coffee grounds, peat, crushed stone sand, pork blood, secondary plastic. She also spoke about the creation of a green business model for the used coffee grounds, developed at the Living Lab. As a result of the excursion, the participants decided on the importance and relevance of preparing a short video about the activities of the Living Lab in St. Petersburg to use it as a tool for popularizing the idea of industrial symbiosis by project partners. 

Evdokia Lomagina leads a tour of industrial symbiosis in the Living Lab

After the end of the official program, the event participants were divided into 3 teams to compete in Quiz on industrial symbiosis. After determining the winning team, the participants shared the first reaction about the event - all the reviews were extremely positive, the participants noted the feeling of a general presence in St. Petersburg despite being in their cities and participating online.
2021-05-07 13:18