Wheels and tires covers => Pillows
99Recycle company produces accessories and interior design items from the recycled plastic. Representatives of the company visited the Living Lab of the “Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” project in June 2020 and decided to join the team of the project participants. Founders of the company – Anton Rykachevskiy and Alexander Semenov focused their attention on the unclaimed textile covers used for wheels and tires storage for more than five years ago and picked them for tests in their workshop.
By the results of the successful tests we sent a first lot of covers to our partners from 99Recycle to proceed them into the pillows. The plan is that all the unclaimed covers would be used by 99Recycle team as the source for textile products.
Plastic waste => Interior panels
During the visit to 99Recycle production site in order to familiarize with the production process and to make a screening we discovered a full-cycle workshop for proceeding of HDPE (2) and LDPE (4) waste into the final products and sewing workshop focused on the upcycle. Within the visit we discovered the technologies used to produce accessories, handbags, skateboards and interior goods made from secondary resources
After the visit we ordered interior panels for the front wall of the Living Lab made from recycled plastic in size 1200x2400 mm.
Textile covers samples and pillows made of them and also plastic and interior panels are presented in the Living Lab showroom.
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